Transforming the Manufacture of Thin Films for Solar Cells

Our Product

We can deposit passivation layers for improving the efficiency of silicon solar cells, as well as semiconductors and transparent electrodes for emerging thin film electronics and conducting glass. The films our system can deposit have the same quality and uniformity as industrial vacuum-based techniques, but are deposited 100x faster and without any need for a vacuum chamber. This can make solar cells and electronics cheaper and more easily scalable. We sell systems for both industrial manufacturing, as well as academic research.

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Photo of the lab and people conducting experiment with the prototype

About Us

Nanoprint Innovations is a pioneering startup spun off from the Driscoll group at the University of Cambridge.

We specialize in an innovative thin film deposition technology for solar panels.

Our mission is to harness this cutting-edge technology to improve the processing of solar panel production, thereby making solar energy more accessible and efficient

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Supported By

University of Cambridge Logo
Maxwell Centre Logo
Henry Royce Institute Logo

News & Blog Posts

A special visit from Hermann Hauser!

Image for the Henry Royce Institute Grant

NanoPrint has secured funding through the Henry Royce Institute's Access Scheme!

New kid on the block news Image

New kid on the block: Deeptech startup NanoPrint Innovations moves into Maxwell Centre

Team is expanding news image

We're thrilled to announce that our team is expanding!

Introducing NanoPrint Innovations image

Introducing NanoPrint Innovations Limited!